Placing a Data Request


Release of WA-APCD data is allowable under established Washington state statute (Chapter 43.371 RCW & Chapter 182-70 WAC). The diagram below shows the process. Application forms are included below for download.

Flow chart that shows steps of the application process

I. Download and Complete Your Application

After you have formulated your request, complete your application and include Attachment D (Data Element Request Form) and send it to

II. Review your Application with the LO

We recommend that you schedule a meeting with LO staff. Prior to the meeting, the LO staff will screen your application and data element request form to ensure that all fields are complete and that you are seeking the appropriate data for your project.

III. Data Request Processing

After completion of all relevant data request forms and attachments the LO will follow up to discuss any outstanding questions and will prepare your application materials for committee review. The LO will provide the applicant with the following, as applicable: committee review date, cost estimate, and public comment period schedule. You can learn more about the review process on our How We Review & Process WA-APCD Data Requests page.

IV. Final Steps for Approved Requests

If your data request is approved, you will be required to execute all relevant data release forms. Once finalized and signed by both you and all required parties, the LO will initiate the product development/data release phase and receive payment from you. You can expect to receive your WA-APCD data approximately 30 days after a contract has been signed.

Application Materials:

WA-APCD Data Use Agreement

WA-APCD Data Request Application

WA-APCD Data Set Request Form

WA-APCD DUA Exhibits and Attachments

Data Extract (only):

WA-APCD Data Management Plan

Analytic Enclave Subscription (only):

WA-APCD Analytic Enclave User Authentication Agreement

WA-APCD Analytic Enclave User Access Request

Release Upon Request Data Files (this form only):

WA-APCD Release Upon Request Data Use Agreement