WA-APCD Data Product Fee Schedule
In creating the WA-APCD, the Washington Legislature instructed the program to help support itself by generating revenues through data-product sales. At the same time, the program aims to make data available and affordable to stakeholders working to improve the state's healthcare systems, including researchers, non-profits, data suppliers, and providers. Utilize the cost calculator below to receive a cost estimate for the data product you need, based on your organization’s tier.
The fee structure is organized by covered lives; not “data types” like inpatient, outpatient, or prescription drug. Generally, though not always, a covered-lives dataset includes eligibility, medical, pharmacy, and dental claims data. Other data, such as healthcare provider roster and demographics data, also are available in certain products.
Fees are tiered by applicants’ organizational status, proposed data uses, financial resources and any WA-APCD program role and additional development and linkage fees may apply.
Applicant Categories
Reduced Fee Tier
- Public Benefit/Non-Profit: Data use is for a public benefit and the output is available to the public at no cost. The “reduced fee” is available to an applicant that is a non-profit entity and has limited financial resources. If the applicant has the financial resources – such as funding from a commercial entity or a grant – then the standard fee applies. In limited circumstances, like a student conducting research, the fee may be waived.
- State and Local Government Agencies: Data use is for state or local government agency activities, whether performed directly by the agency or by a contracted vendor.
Standard Fee Tier
- WA-APCD Data Suppliers: The data use accrues to the benefit of the applicant only; no data or derivative products are released to third-parties for direct financial gain. Data Supplier fee category applies to any payer that is a WA-APCD data submitter and to the payer’s submissions by insurance product type(s): i) health, ii) prescription drug, iii) dental, and iv) workers compensation. For example, a dental data submitter is not eligible for the standard fee for non-dental data; rather the premium fee schedule applies.
- WA-APCD Provider/Reportable Entity: The data use accrues to the benefit of the applicant only; no data or derivative products are released to third-parties for direct financial gain. Provider association fee tier categorization depends on the proposed data use (e.g. public policy use vs. reseller use) Provider reportable entity means any provider licensed by the state of Washington that rendered services to patients per the WA-APCD claims data for the requested data product period.
Premium Fee Tier
- General, Own Single User: Benefit from the data use accrues to the applicant only; no data or derivative products are released to third parties.
Premium+ Fee Tier
- General, Reseller, Multiple Users: The data use is to create derivative data products that will be available for sale or release to third parties.
Data Product Fees By Applicant Category
Click on this PDF for fee schedule detail.