Harborview Medical Center

2 stars (out of 5)
How this hospital's quality compares to other hospitals.
What does this star rating mean?

Quality information about this Hospital

See the hospital’s quality results below. These quality results show how the hospital compares to all hospitals statewide for patients who got care last year or the prior year. Higher quality results means that patients got the right care; some measures report on patients who had good treatment outcomes or a better healthcare experience.

Cost and Value

How is this measured?
Washington Average Score Hospital Score
Emergency Room Visits Per 1,000 Persons 481.4 AVERAGE

Good Treatment Results

How is this measured?
Washington Average Score Hospital Score
Blood Sugar in Poor Control - Diabetes 6% No Result
Blood Pressure in Good Control - Diabetes 9% AVERAGE

Keeping Patients Safe

How is this measured?
Washington Average Score Hospital Score
Appropriate Testing for Cause of Back Pain 77% No Result
Testing Children with Throat Infections 75% No Result

Get the Right Care

How is this measured?
Washington Average Score Hospital Score
Diabetes Care
Eye Exam to Check for Vision Loss 62% No Result
Mental Health Care
Getting anti-depressant medications for acute treatment 63% No Result
Getting anti-depressant medications for continuous care 43% No Result
Asthma and Lung Care
Getting the Right Medications for Asthma 77% No Result

Getting In to See the Doctor

How is this measured?
Washington Average Score Hospital Score
Children Get Care
Child and Adolescent Well-Care Visit 40% No Result
Well-Child Visits for Age 15 Months–30 Months 57% No Result
Well-Child Visits in the First 15 Months 47% No Result
Adults Get Care
Prenatal and Postpartum Care: Postpartum Care 59% No Result
Prenatal and Postpartum Care: Timeliness of Prenatal Care 47% No Result

Preventing Illness

How is this measured?
Washington Average Score Hospital Score
Help Children Stay Healthy
Children Get Immunization Shots 9% No Result
Teenagers Get Immunization Shots 22% No Result
Checking for Cancer
Breast Cancer Screening 39% No Result
Cervical Cancer Screening 46% No Result
Right Care to Prevent Illness
Chlamydia Screening in Women 48% No Result
Use of Opioids at High Dosage 94% No Result