Explore insurers’ cost calculators
Visit your health insurer online to see what you might pay for medical services with your insurance coverage, and find doctors, hospitals, and other providers who are in-network and accepting patients.
Many insurers provide calculators to help you see what your out-of-pocket share. Find your health insurer in the list below and click on the link to take you to your health plan's member website.
Most of health plans require you to sign in to your account or setup an account if you are not already registered. You may need your health plan member ID or other information to register.
Ambetter from Coordinated Care
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of the Northwest
Lifewise Health Plan of Washington
Have another calculator? Email us to add it.
I don’t have health insurance, but need health care services, what do I do? Visit the Washington Health Benefit Exchange (www.wahbexchange.org) to explore available options.